Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week Six of ~Sisters in Stitches~ quilting is here

hello everyone! What we did this week is told at the bottom of the post, it started out on top, but ended up on the bottom. Kelly was not able to join us this week again, but should be able to come next week, I am pretty sure at least.
I just loaded these in a random order.....
so read at the bottom of post to read about what we did!!!!! I did not get as many great shots as I should of, but its still good! :)

Rachel, and me!

Bob likes to be as tall as he can.

do you think we have enough fabric for the backing?


Danielle must escape......


Danielle's beautiful, lovely red socks!!

week six. I apologize for not uploading sooner! But, the pictures will always come, and now they are here. Last week, we added the boarder to our quilt top, this week, we picked out the fabric for the back of it, well in the end we have all the "layers" together and Sara, Danielle, and Rachel stitched a small section of it together!!!!